Kirby Repair

Looking for a service center for Kirby repair? Our trained technicians are ready for your service and Kirby repair.

Little suction power? No power? Belt broken?

  • Managed repair services
  • Local company in Europe
  • Average by run time within 3 days.
  • In advance of all Kirby parts and components.
  • Factory authorized Kirby service.
  • Do you need a Kirby service center to repair your Kirby?

The trained service personnel of our service centers are ready to maintain and repair your Kirby vacuum cleaner. Enjoy many years of your Kirby system by maintaining it!

After years of excellent cleaning, does your Kirby vacuum cleaner still clean better than any other vacuum cleaner? Our repair and thus under maintain services help your Kirby vacuum cleaner but run like new again for future generations. Or you take out a Kirby service subscription.

Kirby repair

Need your Kirby vacuum cleaner repaired and or refurbished, make an appointment right away. Explain the problem and you will receive a free estimate of the repair costs. Kirby service Europe

Problems with your Kirby vacuum cleaner:

If the Kirby motor sounds loud:

  • Test the clogged brush roll.
  • Look inside the head of the Kirby and check the rotor blade – Turn off your Kirby first.
  • Make sure the Kirby drive belt is installed correctly.
  • Low suction power on Kirby:
  • Looking for the bag, they have a fill line that is usually about half way up the bag.
  • Make sure the inlet is not blocked from mounting.
  • Go to the curtain, most models have a light on the main assembly that lights green when the belt is good.
  • Test the mini emptor bag or garbage bag tube (your vacuum bag).
  • Check the head assembly to make sure the height level can be changed.

It is difficult to push or pull Kirby:

  • The trans mission lever on the back side is on “D” instead of “N”.
  • The height of the head should be on higher – 1 the lower and higher the numbers rise the higher the head.
  • In addition to these quick and easy Kirby repairs take advice. Bring the machine to us and we will provide reliable and affordable service and repair.
  • Models Kirby vacuum cleaners we work on

Here you will find different types of Kirby type vacuum cleaners that we work on. From the Kirby G3 up to and including the newest Kirby Avalir 2.

What is included in the Kirby Service?

You order a shipping box and send your Kirby vacuum cleaner to us for free repair. We will send you an email immediately upon receipt of your Kirby vacuum cleaner.

The Kirby is provided with a total service inspection at our store.

The service technician uses the latest tech nologies because by using a mobile electronic tablet. Which is fully loaded with the exact maintenance schedule for your specific model Kirby. And has instant access to exploded drawings and technical information.

Your Kirby vacuum cleaner is disassembled down to the smallest part, so that all found stoppages and or defects are fixed.

Each part is carefully examined for defects.

Why are the carbon brushes in the engine examined. Because these parts are designed to wear out and it is good practice to check them regularly.

If your Kirby needs repair, we will explain to you exactly which parts are needed and why. It is entirely your decision whether to purchase these parts or not.

If you choose to have the parts replaced, your service technician will immediately install all the new parts you need. All parts will be cleaned and then the Kirby will be reassembled. Ready for two/three more years of loyal service.

All replaced parts will be included in the return box so you can see that they have been replaced.

You will receive an invoice by e-mail so that you have a permanent record of the service history of your Kirby. You can make payments via bank overdraft.

Where can I get a Kirby vacuum cleaner repaired?

The Kirby Company was founded in 1914. The company still exists today! The newest vacuum cleaner model is the Kirby Avalir. Just like other household appliances parts break down and repairs are finally necessary.

You can have Kirby vacuum cleaners repaired. Or by returning the vacuum cleaner to Veltec Kirby specialist.

Kirby overhaul department

If your Kirby vacuum cleaner needs repair or because overhaul, call the Kirby specialist at 0031-(0)36 540 20 40 , or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Explain what the problem is, and the company will give you an estimate of the cost of the repair. You will then be instructed to pack the unit for shipment to Veltec Kirby specialist.

Authorized Kirby repair stores

No local vacuum cleaner but repair shop in your area! Then call and ask if it is an authorized Kirby vacuum cleaner repair shop. The repair shop will have hand lines on how to maintain and repair Kirby vacuum cleaners. And documentation stating because it is an authorized Kirby repair shop.

Kirby workshop

Also, the repair shop will have a sticker on the front door with the Kirby logo. And stating that it is and thus authorized Kirby repair workshop. The repair shop will have access to Kirby motor parts to repair any model Kirby vacuum cleaner. Including discontinued models.

Call directly to 0031-(0)36 540 20 40. And a customer service representative can locate an authorized Kirby repair shop for you.

Only use an authorized repair shop because they will replace necessary parts with certified Kirby parts. Repairs performed by non-authorized service workshops or with non-certified Kirby parts. And will void the warranty on your vacuum cleaner.

So if you cannot find a repair workshop near you, contact Veltec in Andelst, for repairs. The store repairs any model Kirby vacuum cleaner because (including discontinued models) with original Kirby brand parts. And offers prompt service on most Kirby models. Call 036-5402040 to request a quote, or visit the company’s website. (

We are a full service Kirby repair center

We are proud because to represent these USA manufactured products. We also carry a full line of Kirby supplies, including belts, bags, parts, accessories, and carpet shampoo. And we sell refurbished but Kirby vacuum cleaners. With over 25 years of experience, Veltec Kirby specialist offers the Kirby vacuum cleaner repair services Europe counts on. Stop by or call us for but information!